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[4] The Show also airs on Women's Entertainment Channel on Thursdays at 9 pm central. Substitute parents [ edit] Parents, their hometown, and their age at time of filming: [5] Girl/ Boy Name Hometown Age Jordan Cameron Katy, Texas 18 Sasha Anderson Easton, Texas Daton Morris San Diego, California 19 Morgan Mitchell * Austin Trizzino Dunwoody, Georgia Kelly Young Alicea Davis Houston, Texas Cory Davila 20 Kelsey Lampman Kensington, New Hampshire Sean Graham Seabrook, New Hampshire On episode 5, Daton left the house; leaving Morgan a "single mom". After the show [ edit] The season 1 finale aired on July 30, 2008 and at the end of the show gave an update to the status and whereabouts of each teen couple. Austin & Kelly - "Kelly is now a second year MBA student at Auburn University in Alabama. She is currently engaged. Austin now works in Atlanta. They are together still. " Alicea & Cory - "Alicea is attending Cy-Fair College in Cypress, TX. She wants to become a make-up artist. Cory is majoring in Business at Texas State University.

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FILM REVIEW Moonlight Mile Directed by Brad Silberling Drama, Romance PG-13 1h 57m See the article in its original context from September 27, 2002, Section E, Page 19 Buy Reprints TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. Early in ''Moonlight Mile, '' Susan Sarandon, playing JoJo Floss, the grieving mother of a murdered young woman, rages at the banal, awkward expressions of condolence she has had to endure from well-meaning friends. ''A cliché parade, '' she complains -- which is just what this movie, written and directed by Brad Silberling (and loosely based on events from his own life), could easily have been. The subject, a family and a fiancé's struggle to come to grips with their devastating loss, is ripe for overdramatic sentimentality. Moreover, Mr. Silberling's approach to it, which tries to balance pathos with humor, might well have settled into a predictable made-for-television rhythm, in which every lump-in-the-throat moment is followed, after a beat, by a laugh line, and vice versa.

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Director: Jeffrey Walker Runtime: 101 minutes I have to confess that I have never seen an episode of Dance Academy, and that I went into this movie adaptation with a little cynicism. From the poster and title, it looked like just another "bunch of attractive people following their dreams" dance film. To my surprise, Dance Academy: The Movie doesn't resort to that exploitation. Picking up a couple of years after the series ended, the characters are entering their twenties, dealing with unmet expectations and trying to figure out who they want to be. How do you manage the disappointment of not achieving your dreams after spending your whole youth pursuing them? Getting the original cast and crew back together for a final story, this exploration of harsh reality is a brave move by everyone involved. Tara (Xenia Goodwin) was a gifted ballet dancer at Sydney's National Academy of Dance, before a slip during her performance damaged her back and ended her dance career. Eighteen months later, she is living with her choreographer boyfriend Christian (Jordan Rodrigues) and working as a waitress at the Opera House, but she can't imagine life without dance.

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Eric doesn't have the usual tumultuous struggle against his emerging gay identity; Rod smiles at him, Eric gets the idea and in a relatively short while they're sharing quality time in the meat locker. It's obvious to Angie, and even in an unacknowledged way to Maggie, that they're an item. We see a little of Eric's homelife. His dad (John Eby) is a salt-of-the-earth type, and his mom ( Stephanie McVay), a much more fully developed character, is a former musician who put her career on hold for marriage and motherhood, but takes pride in the new age compositions Eric pieces together on his electronic keyboard. As Eric's hairstyle morphs from mop-top to David Bowie and his eyeliner consumption goes up, she begins to worry--especially when he starts staying out all night and (although not enough is made of this) coming home drunk. Rod turns out to be a disappointment as a first love; he quickly disappears back into "the gay dorm at OSU. " He makes a poor role model. "Don't call me again, " he tells the lonely Eric on the phone one night.

Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Un ossuaire est un récipient ( coffre, urne, reliquaire), une construction, ou tout autre site ( puits, catacombes) destiné à accueillir des ossements humains. Histoire [ modifier | modifier le code] Durant l' Antiquité, en Judée, il existe un rite funéraire juif de l' ossilegium, inhumation secondaire qui consiste à regrouper les os du mort. Au cours de l'inhumation primaire du cadavre dans un loculus, Kokh ou arcosolium de la chambre funéraire, le corps est laissé en décomposition pendant environ un an afin de récupérer un squelette nu. Lors de l'inhumation secondaire, la famille du défunt regroupe ses os qui sont jetés en vrac dans des fosses collectives mais, à partir des années 20 à 15 av. J. -C., l'usage se répand en Judée de rassembler ces restes dans un ossuaire, coffret parallélépipédique (de la taille de l'os le plus grand du corps, le fémur) souvent en calcaire, parfois monté sur de petits pieds et fermé par des couvercles de formes variées (plat, bombé, à glissière, à double pente) [ 1].