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Publié le dimanche 16 Août 2020 à 12h54 La course a été suspendue mais relancée après avoir nettoyé tous les débris. Capture d'écran La course des Moto2 a été interrompue dimanche sur le circuit du Spielberg (Autriche) après un spectaculaire accident survenu dans les premiers tours. L'Italien Enea Bastianini a chuté à la sortie d'un virage et sa moto a ensuite été percutée de plein fouet par le Malaisien Hafyzh Syahrin. Celui-ci est resté allongé sur la piste puis soigné avant d'être emmené en ambulance. Aucun détail n'avait encore été communiqué sur son état de santé. La moto de Bastianini s'est disloquée sous le choc et d'autres pilotes ont ensuite chuté pour éviter les débris. La course, une fois relancée, sera réduite à 13 tours pour permettre au départ de celle des MotoGP d'être donné à l'heure prévue à 14h00.

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Ver noticia completa Cine - 2 May 2018 - 9:44 p. m. "Misión imposible 6", la filmación más difícil de Tom Cruise El actor de 55 años, quien durante el rodaje de "Fallout" (Repercusión) se fracturó el tobillo,... Ver noticia completa Cine - 14 Aug 2017 - 4:32 p. m. Tom Cruise se accidenta en rodaje de "Misión Imposible 6" Por ahora, no se ha revelado la gravedad de sus heridas. Ver noticia completa 1

CANNES, France--Growing up, Brandon Cronenberg got used to things getting a little weird. Like the time he went to a new school and was told by a classmate he'd never met before, "I'd heard you were coming, and I've been excited about it. " Or the occasional wacko who would run up to him and say, "Your father's movies are speaking directly to me. " "Like, literally directly, " the Toronto native said, smiling incredulously as he leaned back with a glass of water at a Cannes Film Festival hotel on Monday afternoon. "He would tell me exactly what it meant and how it very clearly related to his life, and how my father intended it that way. " Cronenberg is the son of that Cronenberg, David, the 69-year-old director of classics like "The Fly" and "Scanners" and the master of so-called body horror, which has inspired a nearly religious following. For years Brandon resisted following in his old man's footsteps. He tried video art, poetry, other forms of creative expression. "I loved not being interested when I was younger, " said Brandon Cronenberg, now 32.

Trama I gatti sono un gruppo di vecchi amici appesantiti dagli anni e dai troppi croccantini; i topi, invece, stanno espandendo il proprio potere approfittando dell'imborghesimento dei gatti. D'altro canto, i gabbiani subiscono più di ogni altro animale le conseguenze dell'inquinamento voluto dall'uomo; una gabbianella morente lascia quindi in dotazione a un gatto il suo primo uovo, che sarà anche l'ultimo. I gatti alleveranno la gabbianella che di lì a poco nascerà, i topi cercheranno in tutti i modi di mangiarla. Note La storia di Luis Sepúlveda è adattata da Umberto Marino. Belle musiche, voci celebri, momenti comici e altri commoventi. Rispetto a "La freccia azzurra", primo lungometraggio di D'Alò, lo stile di disegno è diverso, ma riesce nella scommessa di rendere eroi i gatti senza imitare gli Aristogatti disneyani. Le scene d'azione riescono meglio di quelle sentimentali, anche perché la gattina è un po' troppo leziosa. Sepúlveda si ritaglia il ruolo di un umano che cerca di differenziarsi dai propri simili e conserva per il ruolo anche la propria voce.

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Buena Vista Pictures Disney Hocus Pocus has become a perennial Halloween must-see, so if you're gearing up for another meeting with the Sanderson sisters, luckily there's plenty of places where you can watch it. The 1993 classic is currently available to watch on Sky Cinema, but if you're not a Sky subscriber, you can sign up to NOW TV and watch Hocus Pocus for free with NOW TV's seven-day free trial with its Sky Cinema Pass. Make sure to cancel your Sky Cinema Pass before the free trial is up though as you will be automatically charged the £11. 99 a month cost for the pass, which will renew every month if you want to continue. Disney Watch Hocus Pocus on NOW TV Hocus Pocus is also available to watch right now on Disney+ if you've already subscribed to the streaming service. If you're not already a Disney+ subscriber, Hocus Pocus will cost you just £5. 99 to watch right now. But if you don't want to be charged a monthly £5. 99 subscription to the service after that, be sure to cancel before your first month is up.