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Watch Spiral Series 7

Friday, 5 March 2021

I didn't understand fully what all this meant, but I remember my parents calling him to yell at him. As they yelled I felt a wave of guilt wash over me, I knew it was hard work, and my favorite thing about the trampoline was that it was big enough for everyone to share it. I didn't want to be a jerk, so the next time he came over I approached him to try to apologize. I had practiced what I was going to say. I was going to tell him I was sorry that I told on him, but I worked hard to buy the trampoline with my own money, and he could still use it, if only he would please take off his boots before jumping on it. As I approached him though he threw his hammer on the ground, pointed at me and started screaming at me loudly. I don't remember what he said, I was so shocked and definitely didn't expect that reaction, so I ran away and my sister, who had heard the yelling and saw me running back, called my parents. Later that night my parents let us know that they fired Steve, and that he wouldn't be coming back.

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Well, I'm 28 days off the suboxone. My story is different than any I've heard, but I'm sure someone else has one like it. Well, basically, I was sick of it. I'd been a slave to suboxone for over 9yrs, opiates for over 10. At the beginning, it was a miracle. I was even for the first time in a long time. Saved my marriage and probably my life. It's good thing, when done right. I used to assume id be on it forever, until 2020 hit and the shit hit the fan. Lost my job, my dream car, and possibly the love of life, my wife of 11yrs. (pray for me). All that sent me spiraling and I ended up in the hospital on a 72hr hold. They gave me subutex so I was good and the stay actually helped. It gave me a chance to reset and break the cycle I was in. I felt better. I got out and had 2 8mgs films left, no money for my clinic, and looked at the bottle and said "fuck you, I don't need you, I'm done with you". It had given me horrible side effects. I'm only 35 and I had low test and extreme mental side effects that I didn't recognize until now.

This story involves someone who was by proxy close to my family, whose relative is still close with us to this day, so I made a new account and am posting from a different IP. This all happened a long time ago, in 1994. I was only 8 years old, and my world view was as narrow as you'd expect any child's to be. Aside from this memory I am about to share, that year was marked by a nail biting series of penalty kicks that ended in a nervous Roberto Baggio (aka the savior of Italy) kicking the final shot over and above the net in a crushing defeat to Italy and his own career. For the remainder of the year I was glued to my Game Boy playing World Cup USA 94 trying to recreate the game with a better ending for Baggio. Of course, the graphics were bleeding edge at the time. We had just moved from my childhood home in a bad part of town to a new home in suburbia. My dad's small business had finally started making money after 3 years of losing money, and my parents wanted to give us kids some space to stretch out and play.

Now I feel MUCH more level. It's as if I had been living in a thick fog that has now risen away. I don't know for certain because I haven't had tests, but I feel like my testosterone is already going back up. My libido is stronger and I believe the problems I had in the bedroom are now hopefully gone. I feel HAPPIER. Period. If I could do this, anyone can, you just have to have support and your mind right. Don't do it like I did though, taper yourself down and get off it as soon as you can. The longer you wait, the worse it will be. At day 28, I still cannot sleep. It's insane. But there's no way in hell I would ever go back now. I did it. I feel like a champion for what I overcame. It was intense, it was long, and it was worth it. I know, when you're on it, you don't know what it's doing to you until you're off it, but I promise, you'll feel so different once you are. If you're considering that leap, good luck. You can do it. It's cliche, but I literally kept saying "I just have to get through today" and that it will not beat me.

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If anyone has any questions or comments or needs advice, I'm here. Thanks for listening to my story.

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Full Guide: - Other Guides: Best Team For Series (Let me know what you want to see next! ) Amber Barbara Beidou Bennet Chongyun Diluc Fischl Jean Kaeya Keqing Klee Lisa Mona Ningguang Noelle Qiqi Razor Sucrose Traveler Venti Xiao Xiangling Xingqiu Level Your Character Properly Guide: Reddit Post | Youtube Video Energy Recharge Guide: Reddit Post | Youtube Video Fischl Tips & Tricks: Reddit Post | Youtube Video - Overview: ( 0:35) Today, we'll be covering weapons and artifact builds for Fischl. If you haven't checked out my previous Fischl video featuring 7 tips to playing her most optimally, I've linked it above. For those of you who don't know, I'm a Fischl DPS main, currently, AR 39, and I've cleared up until floor 10 of the spiral abyss by playing her as my main DPS. I should be able to complete the entire dungeon once I can ascend to lvl 80 and have access to good 5-star artifacts. Support Build: ( 1:06) I won't be covering her support build in-depth in this video, but generally, if you're playing her support, the best weapons for her are stringless, Favonious, and Viriduscent (BP) in that order.

I couldn't watch tv, couldn't play xbox, couldn't really do anything because I couldn't focus to save my life. I'd have my political youtube shows playing in the background and catch a part here and there. I could barely make it to the bathroom or kitchen. My amazing wife took care of me, made sure I ate and stayed hydrated and was basically my nurse. It was either night 3 or 4 when the insomnia hit. That's the one symptom I didn't know about until it happened. When on suboxone I could stay up forever or I could crash out basically anywhere. Now, I could only sleep a couple of shitty hours at a time, with lucid, extremely vivid dreams. I hadn't dreamt even once, that I remember, the entire time on subs and the shit can be intense. If not dreaming about my wife, I'd be dreaming about people I went to high school with that I haven't spoke to in 10+ years. I'm on day 28 and my sleep is still fucked. My wife is prescribed trazadone, which has helped me fall asleep, but doesn't seem to help me stay asleep very long.

Period. No scrolling Facebook home page, no browsing Netflix, no clicking on Youtube recommended videos or looking at the Youtube home page. You can't do _anything_ that you didn't originally intend to do when you opened your computer/phone. Accidentally see something that catches your eye? Too bad, you're doing NoBrowse. Write a note to yourself to check it out later, you're not allowed to do it now. I like to set a goal for a number of days in a row that I'm going to do NoBrowse - I'd recommend starting with about 3 days. Relax for a day or two afterwards, then try it for 4 days. Keep doing this, adding a day each time. I'm currently doing 11 days in a row. Every time I finish, I relax for a bit and start browsing again - eventually I'll start feeling a bit gross and get back on the wagon. It's still kind of an abstain-indulge cycle but the swings are much less extreme now in both directions, and it feels way more like a normal life. And yes, the Reddit home page is out, at least while you're on the wagon.

I haven't been on Netflix since. I've been really surprised by how balanced and healthy my relationship with the web feels after starting this. That said, it may not be for everyone - if you have absolutely zero self control once you're online it might not work. That being said, maybe it'll work even better for you than a stricter approach, since you have a release valve. Best of luck, and if you try NoBrowse let me know how it goes for you! Specifically for my YouTube addicts: For YouTube I like to use a browser extension called DF Tube (Distraction Free Tube) that removes all recommendations, comments, and even the videos on the home page - the page can only contain a search bar, search results, or a video, nothing else. Works beautifully in combination with NoBrowse.

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