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Taking Lives Pelicula

Monday, 1 March 2021

Directed by Written by Lists Taking Lives Videos Cover art, photos and screenshots 9 votes 8 votes 8 votes 7 votes 7 votes Reviews View all Taking Lives reviews Angelina Jolie plays FBI Profiler Illeana Scott, for 20 years an elusive serial killer has assumed his victims' identities, but now there's a breakthrough, Scott is assigned to the case and it's her job to know what makes a killer tick. But somehow this killer knows even more about Scott.

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42min. First Viewing Taking Lives is a pretty standard serial-killer/mystery flick, albeit one with a pretty lax sense of momentum, and a rather overqualified cast. That last bit is important, because it's really the only major selling point here; the cast is pretty strong, elevating the perfunctory material with energy than it deserves. The story is nothing special, with twists that everyone in the audience will see coming a mile away, but it's handling really does little to wrin" CarminaX added this to a list 2 years, 4 months ago Mackenzi added this to a list 2 years, 6 months ago Seen in 2018 (193 movies items) "Movie: Netflix Instant Rating: Bad Watched this while I was working from home one day. It's still so easy to just put on a crime show or movie and I have watched way too many in the past year. :P And yet here I am, still watching them. This one was average at best. Some of the crime jargon at the beginning felt factually incorrect, and the "twist" was guessable from the first fifteen minutes.

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If the press is the "fourth estate, " the cinema is arguably the fifth. "Official Secrets" indicts Blair, Bush, and other mass murderers in the court of public opinion—at a theater near you. Official Secrets Trailer #1 (2019) | Movieclips Trailers Official Secrets, co-written and directed by Gavin Hood, is one of the best movies ever made about investigative reporting and whistle-blowing—a film in a league with All the President's Men and Snowden. Like the 1976 Watergate classic starring Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman as Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, and Oliver Stone's 2016 drama about exposure of the National Security Agency's clandestine mass warrantless surveillance program, the U. K. -set Secrets is based on a true story. The film is about Martin Bright, a reporter with The Observer (played by Matt Smith), and Katharine Gun, a translator for the British government (played by Keira Knightley). Gun is responsible for what Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel Ellsberg called "the most important and courageous leak I have ever seen.

03. 2004 Watched on: 11. 02. 2018 "That guy was nothing, alright? I didn't take his life, I lived it. I was the best thing that ever happened to that guy. "

The writing was kinda hokey and was trying a little too hard to be just a little too edgy.

8 Rating: 6. 4 Rating: 5. 7 Rating: 4. 9 Rating: 5. 1 Rating: 4. 3 Rating: 5. 6 Rating: 6. 5 Rating: 5. 3 Rating: 6. 5 Rating: 6. 1 Rating: 6. 2 Rating: 5. 3