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El probable impacto medioambiental de estas bombas desaparecidas y el prolongado ocultamiento del Pent�gono sobre el estado en que se encuentran hacen imposible poder tener una idea clara de cu�les ser�an las verdaderas consecuencias de todos estos errores militares, argument� el representante republicano por Georgia, Jack Kingston. El primero de estos incidentes ocurri� el 13 de febrero de 1950 cerca de Texas, cuando un bombardero B-36 sufri� una aver�a y lanz� al mar una bomba at�mica de 30 kilotones que transportaba. El 10 de marzo de 1956 un B-47 que trasladaba dos artefactos de 3. 4 megatones desapareci� cuando volaba sobre el Mediterr�neo. El 5 de febrero de 1958 un B-47 choc� en el aire con un caza F-86 y su piloto, el mayor Howard Richardson, tuvo que dejar caer una bomba de hidr�geno en los pantanos de Savannah, en Georgia, donde ha permanecido durante los �ltimos 50 a�os. Un mes m�s tarde, otro B-47 accidentalmente dej� caer otra bomba H en la cercan�a de Florence en Carolina del Sur, cuya explosi�n caus� graves da�os materiales y varios heridos, aunque su carga nuclear afortunadamente no explot�.

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The guy who was working the roll-up door chain was dressed head-to-toe in white plastic clean suit, like a painter or sand-blaster would wear, including a face mask and full clear plastic face shield, so I couldn't really determine his features. He saw me staring inside, stared at me, and immediately started closing the roll up door again as fast as he could. I saw nothing that could have generated the fog - everything was so white and bright, I don't think I saw any equipment anywhere. I remember thinking to myself this is weird, but whatever. I promptly forgot about it as I had other things on my mind. That is until yesterday. I was on my walk and was about to turn the corner to the front facing section of the building of where this Business is, when I heard a car horn honking and a woman yelling. I figure I have to see what the hubbub is all about. I've drawn a r/legaladvice style crappy MSpaint image to give you the layout of this place, so you can get an idea. As I turn the corner I see basically every parking spot is full.

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1 million. Part of that decline is that film was boycotted by several major theater chains for failing to follow the tight VOD window they impose on new releases. Many are questioning why Blumhouse would push the 3D gimmick yet then rush the film to VOD as it could potentially have hit the top five without the boycott. Still the VOD sales will likely keep the film profitable but clearly the series will end on a whimper rather than a triumph. Did you know this weekend was really bad? Well here's one more little story for you. Remember when We Are You Friends opened so badly it was the main focus of my box office roundup for that week? Well not one but two films topped it's #3 worst spot and still it's not the biggest story of the week. Yeah, it's that bad. However their failures are certainly noticeable, so let's get into it. First up is the Bill Murray vehicle Rock the Kasbah which marked the return of both Murray and director Barry Levinson to the wide release and boy did it fail. The film was savaged by critics, marking some of the worst reviews of both the actor and director's careers, and managed to be the #4 worst new wide release opening of all time at $1.

Wright is another particular standout, bringing both comedy and pathos to a humble working stiff who really just wanted a chance to enjoy the greatest toilet in the universe. 10 Rick and Morty Gadgets We Wish We Had IRL "The Old Man and the Seat" is also a testament to just how high the series' visual standard has grown over time. Outside of The Venture Bros. and the work of Genndy Tartakovsky, there's rarely much cause to praise the animation style on most Adult Swim shows. We've come to expect that subversive, intentionally crude look. But the animation in Season 4 so far has been drop-dead gorgeous at times. As ridiculous as the idea is of Rick needing to travel light years away to use the bathroom in solitude, the introduction of that idyllic bathroom paradise really sells the whole thing. As stupid as this may sound, not since Avatar's Pandora have I so fondly wished I could visit the fictional world in question. It's another reminder that, taking the humor entirely out of the equation, Rick and Morty often works on a pure sci-fi level.

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